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Singer EXO’s D.O Desired To Be Challenged In The Role of Actor


EXO member Do Kyung Soo has always captured attention of viewers  to his excellent performance on both music stage and drama.
The singer-turned- actor started successfully his acting debut with the first role of Han Kang Woo character in popular drama “It’s Ok, It’s Love”. After that, Kyung Soo continued filming for movie “Cart”. The film is about a struggle of workers against their supermarket after they are fired without good reason.
D.O.”s performance in both the drama and the film received good reviews. D.O. never intended to be an actor andhe did not have lessons before appearing in “Cart.” In an interview with Elle Korea, he said that he did discuss the scenes in great detail with Boo Ji Young, the film’s director.
What was it like to see himself on the big screen?
Honestly, I could only see the other actors,” he said. “When we were filming, I was just focused on acting with Yeom Jung Ah and I didn”t really have a chance to watch other actors act. They all put in a lot of work and they are all really great at acting.”
Yeom Jung Ah, who played his mom in “Cart,” had nothing but praise for her co-star. In an interview with Newsen, she said that D.O. helped break her stereotype of acting idols.
I thought that Kyung Soo was a very serious young man,” said Yeom. “There′s not even a little bit of a light side to him. He behaves really well, not just in front of the public, but also to his seniors and staff members. He doesn′t purposely overreact or pretend to be sincere. Because I′ve been acting for a really long time, I can instantly tell when someone′s lying. But Kyung Soo doesn′t. His personally is really proper and kind. That′s why I think he receives love.”
D.O. won a Best New Actor Award at the APAN Star Awards for his role in “It”s Okay It”s Love.” And he admits that it was hard for him to let go of his character when the filming ended.
When I was saying goodbye to the drama”s writer at the farewell party, I began to tear up,” he  told Elle Korea. “Because we were the two people who understood Kang Woo the best.”
With such a stellar year, the casting offers should be rolling in. He is eager to continue acting.”
I want to continue having these kinds of experiences,” he said.
An interview and photo shoot with D.O can be found in the December issue of Elle Korea.


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