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8월, 2013의 게시물 표시

LC9 at Busan MBC Beach Festival

LC9 (RASA) Busan MBC Beach Festival (by 에스라사)

LC9 (JUN) MBC Busan Sea Festifal (by 챔피언준)

E.DEN’s Luv Letter :: It’s Been Awhile, Isn’t It? (with a selca)

LC9_EDEN: 고고고!!!! “@NEGA_MON: [LC9]EDEN이 정말 오랜만에 공카에 나타났어요~!! LC9_EDEN: Go go go!!!! “@NEGA_MON: [LC9] it’s been really awhile since the last time EDEN showed up at official cafe~!! Post: 오랜만이죠? 오늘은 여기 비 많이와요 거긴 날씨 어떤가요? 요즘에 활동은 않하지만 행사하고 공연들을 통해서 여러분들 보니까 그래도 힘이 나네요 제가 트위터하고 특히 공식카페에 글을 많이 못 올려서 많이 미안해요. 앞으로는 더욱 더 sns를 통해 팬 여러분들과 소통할 수 있도록 노력을 할게 ㅋㅋㅋ 저희가 러브비트에게 좋은 모습 보여주려고 열심히 노력하는 중이니까 많이 못본다고 서운해 하지말고 조금만 기다려주세요! 여름이니까 더위조심하고, 사진하나 올리고 갈게요 It’s been awhile, isn’t it? Today, it’s raining heavily here. How is the weather there? These days, even though we are not active, but since we can see you all on the events and performances we go through, it gives me more strenght. I am sorry especially because I do not write at twitter and official cafe frequently. In future I will write at sns more so I will try to be able to communicate with you allㅋㅋㅋ Since we will show Love Beat the good image and try hard, you do not need  to be so sad and wait us a littl...

{Photos} BTS all member Update >PicTwitter

[PHOTO] LC9′s J-HYO’s New Twitter Display Photo

Follow him @LC9_JHYO

{Photos} Chunji Update >PicTwitter


King’s Luv Letter :: Hot Hot + Selca

멘붕온다나지금 너무더워 !!!!! ㅠㅠ 다들보고싶은데 집결지를 설정할테니 나와줄래?! 이럼 진짜나올까??ㅋㅋㅋ 여름휴가가족하구 신나게잘들보내구 내가지금줄수잇는건 많지않지만…사진 2장남기고갈게 더워서 더보고싶구나….. 응원하던 목소리도 듣고싶구나… I’m getting a mental breakdown right now, it’s so hot !!!!! ㅠㅠ I miss everyone, if I make a meeting will you come?! Will you really come?? ㅋㅋ Does everyone spend the exciting summer vacation with family? What I’m going to give now isn’t much but but but… I have 2 pictures Because it is hot, I want to see you even more…….. I want to hear your cheering voice too…

{Photos} Changjoo Update >PicTwitter


Love Beats~ hello ^0^ What day is today?! It’s leader RASAgun’s 25th birthday RASA has received a happy birthday because many of you left congratulation messages today There are a little unpublished cuts will be revealed to commemorate this birthday Although the weather is hot and humid, RASA’s pictures look blowing heat~ Happy Birthday RASA  Love Beats, have a nice day^^