The drama based on the popular ongoing manga (written by Amagi Seimaru, illustrated by Sato Fumiya) will soon get its 4th drama adaptation starring Ryosuke Yamada next July. Back in January of 2013 and in January of 2014, Yamada's "Kindaichi" was already aired as 2 special dramas.
The protagonist Kindaichi Hajime was for the first time impersonated in 1995 by KinKi Kids' Tsuyoshi Domoto. Since then the role has been also played by Arashi's Jun Matsumoto and KAT-TUN's Kazuya Kamenashi .
Will also play a role in this drama Haruna Kawaguchi (as the heroine Nanase Miyuki) and Yamada's bandmate Daiki Arioka (as Saki Ryuji) and Tomomitsu Yamaguchi (as the detective Kenmochi).
"Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo N (neo)" will begin airing on NTV next July, every Saturday at 9:00pm.
The protagonist Kindaichi Hajime was for the first time impersonated in 1995 by KinKi Kids' Tsuyoshi Domoto. Since then the role has been also played by Arashi's Jun Matsumoto and KAT-TUN's Kazuya Kamenashi .
Will also play a role in this drama Haruna Kawaguchi (as the heroine Nanase Miyuki) and Yamada's bandmate Daiki Arioka (as Saki Ryuji) and Tomomitsu Yamaguchi (as the detective Kenmochi).
"Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo N (neo)" will begin airing on NTV next July, every Saturday at 9:00pm.
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